Monday, May 19, 2008

News :MAS low-fare programme

6/5/08 from Star

Malaysia Airlines (MAS) has taken an unprecedented move with its “Everyday Low Fares” (ELF) programme.

Beginning yesterday, the national carrier is offering 1.3 million zero or low-fare seats for all its domestic destinations. The media's immediate reaction was: “Is MAS going heads on with AirAsia?”

MAS stewardess showing off the promotional placards after the launch of the programme.
Managing director Datuk Seri Idris Jala was quick to defend the airline's strategy, saying: “This programme will create new demand for people who do not fly via us. The seats are going to be empty anyway.”

MAS' domestic flights load factor is about 70% while the remaining are unsold seats.
The ELF strategy is similar to the manufacturing sector's practice of marginal costing structure. Seats that normally go unsold are now given away for free or at a very cheap price so that they can generate additional cash flow.

For free tickets, consumers only have to pay for fuel surcharge, administrative fee and airport tax.

The cost for travel within the peninsula states only amounts to RM76 one way while it is RM120 between west and east Malaysia.

American airlines have long ago implemented a similar strategy by offering last-minute airfare deals to customers, especially for flights that are sparsely occupied.

If the plane is going to fly anyway, the airline may as well make the most money out of it, even if that means selling tickets cheaply. After all, the cost of getting that plane off the ground is already spent.

Like Jala said, “the ELF programme provides us with the ability to recover some of the fuel costs which would otherwise be lost.”

In times when crude oil prices are still hovering above US$100 a barrel, any method to recover some of the cost is most welcome.

MAS is confident that it can pull the strategy off without having too much impact on its full-fare seats. Jala said the carrier's competent team would be monitoring the seat inventory closely.

Moreover, the airline had taken significant cost-cutting measures that saved some RM1bil, and had hedged competitively about 43% of its fuel requirements this year, he said.

“We're just passing on the cost-savings benefits to our customers,” Jala added.
Meanwhile, OSK Investment Bank in a report yesterday, said: “We see a positive impact from this, which will lift core net profit by 3% to 4%.”

While competitors would not take this lightly and a short-term price war could emerge, MAS' greater flexibility in raising fuel surcharges should see it emerge relatively unscathed, it added

News: AirAsia to have check-in baggage fee

7/4/2008 From Star
SEPANG: AirAsia will be charging all its passengers a fee for check-in baggage from April 21 in a bid to defray rising fuel costs, its group chief executive officer Datuk Tony Fernandes said.

The fee would be RM3 per piece of baggage through online check-in and RM5 per piece of baggage when checking in at the airport.

Checked-in baggage will be charged on a per piece basis up to a maximum combined weight of 15kg. Anything over 15kg will be charged as excess in addition to the checked-in baggage fee.

According to Fernandes, charging the fee for check-in baggage made more sense than charging everyone an additional fuel surcharge, which was what other airlines were doing.

“With the rising fuel costs, we have to find new and innovative ways to keep our fares low.

“When it comes to bags, we notice that many passengers bring a lot of bags making our planes heavier which in the end makes the plane consume more fuel,” he said.

Fernandes said he did not think that there would be a negative reaction to the move as the fee was not high.

“It will help to defray up to 10% of the fuel cost. It is not much, but it adds up with all the other things we are doing such as priority boarding, selling merchandise and food on the flights.”

According to AirAsia’s statement, the airline believed that passengers should be given the option to choose the services they require and pay for those services.

“This approach has enabled AirAsia to provide continuous low fares, which is a priority for us,” it said.

The statement added that AirAsia was looking to change travellers’ behaviour by encouraging people to travel lighter.

“Lighter baggage weight on board the aircraft means burning less fuel, hence, less pollution and a better environment. Fewer checked-in baggage improves airport efficiency and will eventually lead to shorter check-in queues.”

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Info: Travel Tips and Guidance

How to have a worry-free & enjoyable trip with us?

Dear customer,
This document is our added-value service to each & every of our customers. As we have the responsibility to educate and dropping our gentle reminder to our customers, to ensure a worry free & enjoyable trip with us! This will be the ultimate goal of EazyTravels! J

Before departing:
1. Dear customer, have you prepared and printed at least 2 copies of travel voucher/confirmation letter?

2. Please remember bring along your passport and necessary items for traveling use. You are responsible in ensuring compliance with the immigration, custom or other legal requirements of the countries of your destination. Kindly ensure that for International destination you possess a valid passport with at least six (6) months' validity and the applicable valid visas. You shall also possess a return itinerary or ticket on an onward journey;

3. Before departing to your destination, if there is any change of the flight time, remember to inform EazyTravels’ agent, so that EazyTravels can contact and inform our local agent the revised arrival time.

4. Please reach the airport two (2) hours before the scheduled flight departure time. The counters will close forty five (45) minutes before the scheduled flight departure time. 5. Each checked in baggage shall not exceeded 32 kg.

After reached the airport:
1. Please refer to travel voucher/confirmation letter, which exit you should meet the local tour guide.

2. If you still can’t see your tour guide in 10-15 mins time, do contact the local travel agent. You may refer to the contact no. of the local travel agent from the travel voucher/confirmation letter.
3. If you’re unable to get hold of the local travel agent, please sms or call EazyTravels agent for assistance.

4. If your package is a joint tour package, you may travel with other travelers, based on Sit-In-Coach (SIC) basis.

When checked in to the hotel:
1. If the hotel given is not the same as the travel voucher/confirmation letter, please inform the local tour guide. This incident seldom happen unless local agent made a mistake on hotel booking. Please inform us immediately if they don’t give you the hotel that you chosen, we will contact them and get back to you soon.
Please don’t keep quiet but inform us. There is still chance for us to get you the right hotel. If you wait until you’re back from your tour, we can’t do much for you. Your understanding is much appreciated.

2. After checked in to the hotel room, please check
a) if the room type(e.g. Standard room or superior room or etc) is the same as your booking, if not, please inform the hotel’s receptionist or tour guide by showing your travel voucher/confirmation letter.
b) If the bed arrangement (e.g. Twin bed or double bed or etc) is not as per your request, please inform the hotel’s receptionist and request for change of room.
c) If you don’t feel comfortable when entering the given room, please request for change of room.
Remark : For item 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) , change of room is base on the room availability on the day.

3. Please check if everything in the hotel room are working fine, things to check are fan, air-cond, toilet flusher, shower, TV, safety box, etc. If not, please request to change the room .
Remark : Change of room is base on the room availability on the day.

4. You may check with the receptionist/tour guide if you need any guide or assistance.

Tours & Meals:
1. Same for tours, if there is any change of the itinerary, tour guide will inform the customer beforehand, e.g. due to bad weather. Sometime the tour guide may adjust the itinerary based on the SIC group.

2. It is advisable to take along the travel voucher/confirmation letter with you during the whole trip. You may check with the tour guide on the itinerary of the day on every morning when they pick you from the hotel.

3. If they given meals are not sufficient for your group, please discuss with our local tour guide. This incident is seldom happen too.

4. The meals could be Chinese/Malay/Local delights or as per itinerary, unless you’ve requested for Halal/pork free/vegetarian meals

Before departing back to your next destination/your country:
1. Before departing back to your country,
a) Please confirm with local tour guide what is pickup time, from hotel to the airport on the last day of your trip.
b) Please pack your luggage properly for check in to aircraft
c) Please bring along your passport and immigration card and don’t leave it at hotel
d) if there is any change of the flight time, please remember to inform the local agent to ensure they will pick you up on the revised time.

Thank you for your continued supports and booking from us.
We wish you a fun & enjoyable trip!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

News : Vacancy on Home-Based Travel Agent

EazyTravels is offer home-based travel agent job to whoever is interested on travel industry. It is a part time job, flexible time, work at home and earn from commission. If you are interested, please send in your resume to today.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Info : Any Suggestion and Comment on EazyTravels ? 意见或建议

Dear friends, we willing to hear from your comment and suggestion on EazyTravels tours , customer service and etc. Hear from you soon. Many thanks for your support! 如您有任何意见或建议 ,请多多指教。谢谢您宝贵的时间.

Info :Wanna Share Your Travel Information with us?

Dear travellers, if you are interested share your travel information , travel tips or travel experience with us? Please drop your email & name & your topic to us. We will invite you be our author after approved. Thanks.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Info : 50個人生必去之地,你去了几个?

1999 年底,美國「國家地理旅人」(National GeographicTravelers)雜誌經過兩年的審查,選出了五十個「真正的旅人此生必遊之地」。有些地方是知名的度假勝地,有些地方則需要花費一筆金錢和一番工夫才能到達。雜誌編輯拜羅斯表示:「我們在新舊世紀交替之際宣揚這些熱愛旅行者非去不可的地方,這些地方代表我們這個世界的精神和不同風貌,令人難以忘懷。」五十個地點是由國家地理雜誌的寫作群、編輯和顧問從五百個地點中選出,名單如下:(附在後面的說明是我個人的聯想和筆記,以後如果看到新的資料就會陸續補上來~)都市(不朽之城)

1.巴塞隆納(Barcelona) :西班牙名城,天才建築師高迪著名作品「聖家堂」是建築史上的奇蹟,已經建了一百多年,預計還要二百年才能完工。 Kong):同文同種的萬象之都,美食和Shopping的好地方。(為什麼香港稱得上是不朽之城?不懂!)


4.耶路撒冷(Jerusalem) :身兼基督教、回教和猷太教的聖城,自古以來就是兵戎之地。這個世界聞名的宗教發源地和歷史古城,是一個活生生的博物館。

5.倫敦(London) :經年多霧的日不落國首都,已經建都九百多年,充滿歷史風情及人文氣息,舉步皆是博物館、藝廊、劇院。

6.紐約(New York) :有「大蘋果」的暱稱,有人說這裡是民族大溶爐,也有人說是沙拉碗,最好的和最壞的都集中在這個城市裡。

7.巴黎(Paris) :法國浪漫之都,素來有「花都」之稱,以其豐富的歷史建築及收藏驚人的博物館美術館吸引全世界旅客的目光。

8.里約熱內盧(Rio de Janeiro) :巴西每年三月的嘉年華會,成千上萬觀光客湧入這裡,通宵達旦的森巴舞和盛裝遊行,好一個難以抵抗的熱情城市。

9.舊金山(San Francisco) :美國西海岸最適合人居住的城市,纜車、花街、金門大橋、漁人碼頭、同性戀社區,造訪這裡別忘了戴朵花,把心留下。


11.南極洲(Antarctica) :現在要到南極看企鵝,已經不是不可能的事了,一個冰封的極地,彷彿是地球的盡頭,探索世界的最後一站。

12.亞馬遜叢林(Amazon) :據說這裡每年正以大規模的面積在消失中,曾經吸引著世界探險家熱帶雨林,可能也快要開發成觀光區了吧!

13.加拿大洛磯山脈(Canadian Rockies) :亞伯達省境內洛磯山脈,沿線的國家公園,高山湖泊,冰河瀑布等無一不是令遊人驚心動魄的美景。

14.厄瓜多爾的加拉巴哥群島(Galapagos Islands) :加拉巴哥群島是火山島,是許多別處看不到的大海龜、海蜥蜴等稀有海洋生物的居所,已被劃定為國家公園。

15.大峽谷(The Grand Canyon) :大峽谷的獨特景觀是大地的寶藏。置身於此,深深感受到人類之於大自然力量的渺小與無助。是我所去過的最震憾心靈的地方。

16.澳洲內陸(Australian Outback) :一大片未經開發的沙漠,澳洲人稱之為「內地」,想必是個人煙罕至之處。(不太了解「必遊」的理由為何?)

17.巴布亞紐幾內亞的珊瑚礁(Papua New Guinea Reefs) :在許多地方的珊瑚礁遭受污染破壞的狀況下,這裡應該是極保留十分完整而美麗的海域。

18.撒哈拉沙漠(Sahara) :第一個聯想是三毛。一片無垠的黃沙大地,有溫柔有險峻,有海市蜃樓的淒美華麗。

19.坦尚尼亞的塞倫蓋提平原(Serengeti) :書上說坦尚尼亞是「單一國家內展示出非洲的許多面貌」,塞倫蓋提是一片獅子色的平原吧!

20.委內瑞拉的德布伊斯高原(Venezuela's Tepuis) :電影「美夢成真」中最動人的一幕:從世界最高的瀑布-「天使瀑布」(一千公尺)一躍而下,就是這裡。人間樂土(安寧、美麗、天賜愉悅)

21.義大利的阿瑪菲海岸(Amalfi Coast):位在義大利南部蘇連多半島,呈鋸齒狀的阿瑪菲海岸,有著漂亮的斷崖和細長的沙灘,更有美食美酒和一大片風格各異的豪華別墅群。

22.明尼蘇達州邊界水域(Boundary Waters) :明尼蘇達之名來自印地安語,意謂「天藍之水」,這個保留區內有上千個湖泊,是划獨木舟、釣魚的最佳去處。

23.英屬維京群島(British Virgin Islands) :散落在中美洲大西洋的火山小島,十八世紀時是海盜船的隱匿之地,目前這裡的經濟幾乎全部仰賴觀光業。

24.希臘小島(Greek Islands) :葡萄酒色的愛琴海,數以千計的小島漂浮其中,白色的房子,藍色的天空,海風吹拂的風車,悠閒而寧靜。

25.夏威夷群島(Hawaiian Islands):世界級的熱門觀光點,完全沒有一絲落後之感,亦不致因過度開發而喪失自然風光,離開檀香山以外的地區皆討人喜歡。

26.日本民宿(Japanese Ryokan):對西方人來說,日本傳統民宿的東方風味想必是十分吸引人的。所以,去日本旅遊還是訂日式民宿吧!

27.印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala) :位在印度西南方,地形多元的喀拉拉邦,包含了:瀑布、潟湖、陽光海岸、綠野,展現熱帶原始風光。

28.智利托雷德裴恩國家公園(Torres del Paine) :「智利」是印地安人口中「世界的末端」,位在安地斯山脈南端的區域,是一個山水壯麗,未經污染的處女地。


30.太平洋島嶼(Pacific Islands) :太平洋佔了地球表面的三分之一,島嶼不許其數(25000個以上),著名的有:大溪地、帛琉、斐濟……等。鄉野景觀(文明與自然並存)31.阿爾卑斯山(Alps) :阿爾卑斯山橫跨了法瑞奧等國,但是第一個聯想還是小天使的故鄉-瑞士吧,雪景、青山、草原、木屋、牛羊,山脈自有其不同的面貌。

32.加州大索爾(Big Sur) :北加州最美麗的海岸,地勢崎嶇,深邃而滿覆綠草的山,自海底峭然直立,沿著1號公路盤山而行,瀑布、峽谷盡收眼底。

33.加拿大濱海諸省(Canadian Maritimes) :指的是加東大西洋沿岸省份:新伯倫瑞克、新斯科細亞、愛德華王子島等,山河湖海交錯的美麗地方。

34.挪威海岸(Coastal Norway) :挪威西海岸的峽灣地形名聞遐爾,古冰河時期遺留下來的鬼斧神工:群山、斷崖、瀑布、深淵,景觀豐富多變。

35.越南蜆港至順化(Danang to Hue) :蜆港是越南中部大港、順化則為大內皇城之所在,是越南文化的重心所在,古意盎然。

36.英格蘭湖區(England's Lake District) :在Cumberland地區散落著許多大不不一的湖泊,如同群山之中的晶瑩寶石般優雅而美麗,十分適合徒步旅行。

37.法國羅亞爾河谷(Loire Valley) :悠悠滔滔的羅亞爾河,和煦的陽光,肥沃的土壤與繁花似錦的城堡古街,此地素有「法國花園」的美名。

38.紐西蘭北島(North Island, New Zealand) :紐西蘭重要的城市和觀光資源多集中在北島,包含了冰河、熔岩、活火山、溫泉、熱帶雨林、森林、雪峰、瀑布、湖泊等多樣化的地理風貌。

39.義大利托斯卡納(Tuscany) :文藝復興重鎮翡冷翠和以斜塔聞名的比薩位於此省,同等出色的是她的田園風光和高塔建築。

40.美國佛蒙特州(Vermont) :位於美國東北角新英格蘭的一州,向來以繽紛多彩的秋色和冬天的滑雪聞名,鄉野景觀與中西部不同,反而有歐洲風味。世界奇景(人類偉大建設)

41.雅典衛城(Acropolis) :位在雅典市郊區山坡上的雅典衛城,是西歐文化發源的原點,著名的「帕德嫩神廟」是雅典娜女神的居所,四十八根大理石柱訴說舊日風華。

42.吳哥窟(Angkor) :與長城及金字塔等齊名同為世界奇景的吳哥窟,是世界上最大的寺廟,建於一一一三年,費時三十年,當時高棉王朝的文明高過同時代的歐洲。

43.電腦領域(Cyberspace) :透過Internet可以環遊全世界,還有什麼可說的呢?當然是人類的偉大建設!

44.吉薩金字塔(Giza Pyramids) :埃及最受世界矚目的景點,三座大小不一的金字塔躺在沙漠已逾二千年,「人類害怕時間,時間害怕金字塔」,神秘的金字塔是亙古不變的傳說。

45.長城(Great Wall) :據說是從太空中望向地球唯一可見的建築物。從秦始皇時代奠立基礎,到了明代增修成現在的規模,二千五百年來,一萬二千七百公里的長城猶如一條巨龍,越險峰,盤峻嶺,過沙漠,伏臥在中國北方的土地上。

46.秘魯馬丘比丘古城(Machu Oicchu) :印加帝國遺跡,位在秘魯南部安地斯山脈標高四千公尺的高山上,據考證應建於十三世紀,有完善的宮殿、營區、灌溉設施,為何會沒落至今仍然是個謎。

47.科羅拉多州弗德台地印第安人古居(Mesa Verde) :一處印地安人所居住的村落,建築在峭壁上的遺跡,可以想見當時印地安文明的程度。目前是科羅拉多州的國家公園。

48.約旦佩特拉古城(Petra) :有「玫瑰城」之稱的佩特拉,是從紅色沙岩峽谷中開鑿出來的古城,整座古城鑿山而建,華麗而堅固。和許多神秘的文明一樣,她也是歷史上成謎的一頁,至今沒有人知道她建立和沒落的確切時間與何人所建。

49.泰姬瑪哈陵(Taj Mahal) :印度蒙兀兒帝國帝王愛妃泰姬瑪哈的陵墓,建於一六三一年,動用二萬人,費時二十二年完成。左右對稱,中央為圓頂,四周有四座尖塔,主廳內置帝王及其愛妃的石棺,陵墓內壁鑲各類寶石,整體建築極為壯觀,華麗絕倫。

50.梵蒂岡(Vatican City) :全世界最小的國家,擁有全世界最大的教堂,天主教的聖殿所在,教宗若望保錄二世領地。


Tour News : 1st Malaysian cycling home from US to Taiping

First Malaysian cycling home from US to Taiping
The Star 于2007年七月以上述标题初次报导Law的事迹报导如下:

Law Tzuo Hann has never gone scouting, camping or hiking. Hel ikes cycling but reckons that, like an other average person, he has doneabout 500km of cycling. Have wheels will travel: Law posing for a photo at the Devil's KitchenLake in Illinois on Day 28 of his journey from the United States.At the Duke University in North Carolina, where Law, 22, graduated inbiomedical engineering and economics, it hit him that it would be a greatidea to see the world on wheels. He spent his entire fourth yearresearching for equipment and routes, working on raising money and talkingto people who had done similar trips. And, on May 28, he started from theUnited States on his great cycling adventure heading back home to Taiping,Perak. He pedalled off from Los Angeles, reaching Washington DC in 38 days,covering a distance of 5,625km. “Flying does not really count since youexperience isolated regions instead of experiencing how they connect to eachother,” he said. “Travelling in a motorised vehicle is common and does notallow you the many nuances of travel like the sounds, smell and contact withpeople. “Walking is too slow. I do want to get on with life, so cyclingseemed perfect,” he said in a phone interview. “I like cycling. I have somesavings, no girlfriend or job or commitments. It is the best time to do itand here I am,” he said. He cycles about 150km daily and his daily routinebegins between 5.45am and 6.30am, stopping at about 7.30pm. He takes athree-hour break in the middle of the day. Yesterday, he flew to Dublin,Ireland, to begin the European leg of the journey. He has another 15,000kmto go. He said that he would like to see emerging from this adventure was acharitable effort involving international and domestic organisations, andsaid that matters were being worked out to channel funds to a few suchorganisations in Malaysia and the Mae Tao Clinic in Myanmar. Those whowould like to follow Law’s journey or help him in charitable work can readhis journal, .

Thailanad Tour ~ 5D4N Bangkok/Pattaya/Floating Market

Depart from Airport to Bangkok. Upon arrival, we checked in at Bangkok Centre Hotel which is located at China town.
We had a good rest in the afternoon and we went out for shopping after dinner. There are some shopping center that tourist can go such as MBK, Tokyu department store, Siam Square, Narayana Phand store and many more.


After breakfast, we kicked off our tour to Bangkok half day city tour such as:-

Chao Phya River- The river is 365km (227mi) long, and flows through the centre of Bangkok before reaching the Gulf of Thailand (Pacific Ocean)

Wat Arun Temple(Temple of Dawn)- The famous Wat Arun, perhaps better known as the Temple of the Dawn, is one of the best known landmarks and one of the most published images of Bangkok.

After lunch, visit to Safari World
then transferred to Pattaya for dinner by coach. The journey took about two hours drive from Bangkok town. We took this opportunity to rest in the coach. We checked in at Baiyoke Pattaya Hotel for two nights. Lunch and dinner at local restaurant.

Lunch served and followed by an Elephant Show
, next journey is Thai Folk Dance Show. After the show, we rest for about an hour before the dinner was served. We had a wonderful dinner with friends.

After breakfast, we took a speed boat across the crystal clear sea to Coral Island also known as "Koh Larn".

Next, we proceed to Nong Nooch Village. –Beautifully landscaped gardens, you can quietly stroll among flower beds, enjoying the profuse colors and fragrance of millions of flowers, as well as the well-trained chimpanzees and elephants in the natural surroundings.

Lunch served and followed by an Elephant Show, next journey is Thai Folk Dance Show. After the show, we rest for about an hour before the dinner was served. We had a wonderful dinner with friends.

After breakfast, we visited Tiger zoo. Just 30 minutes' drive from Pattaya, this grand tiger zoo, located on an over-100-acre piece of land, boasts not only over 200 Bengal tigers, 100,000 crocodiles, and various kinds of animals in the natural atmosphere, but it also offers you many amusing activities and amazing shows.

Next program is Crocodile Farm - The Crocodile Farm is located 10kms. from Bangkok. It is the World's Largest Crocodile Farm founded in 1950 by The famous Crocodile King, Mr. Utai Youngprapakorn. They not only look after endangered species, but also to provide a continuing flow of crocodile skins and other products to the world market.

Then, we started our journey back to Bangkok. We arrived at Bangkok at noon time just nice for lunch. After lunch we proceed to The Famous Four Face Buddha for worship for half and hour.

Then, we fully utilized our second half time for shopping. Bangkok is a shopping paradise. There are lots of shopping centre that tourist can shop such as Chatuchak market, Patpong night market, Khao San, Klong Thom and Ratchata- Lad Phrao junction night market.

We had our dinner at Baiyoke Sky Hotel. We had a good International buffet dinner arranged by the local tour guide at the tallest hotel in Bangkok (optional). After dinner we proceed to night bazaar (Saun Lom) before heading back to the hotel.


After breakfast, we proceed to Damoensaduak Floating Market by van for half day tour. It took about two hours drive from Bangkok town to the Floating Market. It was very rush but fun because we need to be at airport by 3.00pm the same day.

To go to the floating market you have to wake up very early since the market closes about mid-day. In our case we left our hotel around 7 am for the two-hour drive to the market. The market was full of sellers, selling everything from fruit, noodles, everyday necessities, to souvenirs, handicrafts, and spices. We roamed the market for about an hour, had fun testing our bargaining skills and bought some food. The market was full of tourists and some say it's too commercialized now that it had lost some of its original charms. But we still feel it was a good experience and one of the high points of our visit to Thailand.

The Floating Market trip ended at about 1.30pm. We had our journey back to hotel and our tour guide send us to airport at 3pm. We had a wonderful time at Bangkok and will go again if we manage to get a cheap flight from Air Asia.

Info : What is the different between Tour Guide and Tour Leader ?

Malaysia tour guide is required Malaysia tour guide licence. Need attend 1 year class in some authorized tourism institute and difficult to pass sometimes.
Main job is to guide foreigner tourist when they visit Malaysia.

Tour leader is represent travel agency to bring a group of travelers to oversea tour. Tour leader job is to monitor/ensure the local agent provide the service and hotel stated in the contract. Tour leader always oversea. They not required licence BUT need alot of tour experience on handling client when oversea.